As a parent or guardian to a prospective student, we understand that there are many things that you will be interested in learning about. We’ve gathered everything you need to support your child at every stage of their journey so they can have a great student experience with us to maximise their success.

Student Support and Advice


Student Money Advice

The Student Money Advice Team provides support and advice to help students manage money, plus information about funding, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Mentoring

Student-to-student mentoring programme including practical support for new students with weekly sessions focusing on academic work.

Safe Campus

We have a friendly security team available 24/7 across the whole campus. We also offer our students an app called Safezone, which gives them immediate access to on-campus security.

English Support

Students can get extra support from Centre for International English Students to improve their English language and academic skills.

Chaplaincy Support

The Chaplaincy at the university offers support to students regarding their faith culture and other spiritual matters.


If you are supporting your child who is considering university, this is likely the first time they will have lived away from home. Where a student lives during their university experience is more than just a roof over their head. It is a place of their own – to relax, study and spend time with their friends.

We want to support our students in finding the perfect accommodation option. We have a range of on-campus accommodation choices’, or other alternatives if they decide to live off-campus. Our Accommodation Services team will also be able to help your child find a place to call home in the surrounding area.


As your child considers studying in the UK, it is important to understand the financial requirements set by the UK government for international students. This will also be a useful guidance for you to understand the living costs in the UK. The current maintenance requirement for students living in Pontypridd Halls is approximately £435 per month, while those living in a privately rented house would pay approximately £200 a month (bills not included). (Please note that these figures are subject to change, and it’s crucial to check the most up-to-date information on the university website).

We understand the financial commitment involved in sending your child to the UK for their undergraduate studies. We would like to help you explore potential scholarship options. There may be scholarships available based on your child’s academic performance or their country of origin. Please click the below button to reach out to our team for further information.


Our pathway programmes help your child to improve their English and academic skills, progress to their undergraduate degree, most importantly, build a solid foundation to score higher grades during their undergraduate studies. With routes into Business and Social Science, Creative Industries, Computer Science and Engineering, you can help your child choose what’s right for them.

University of South Wales Pathways Students


Upon successful completion and passing the foundation programme, your child is guaranteed to progress onto year one of the degree programme they applied for at the University of South Wales.

Upon successful completion and passing the IYO programme,Your child will progress on to year two of the degree programme they applied for at the University of South Wales.


Our pathway programmes help your child to improve their English and academic skills, progress to their undergraduate degree, most importantly, build a solid foundation to score higher grades during their undergraduate studies. With routes into Business and Social Science, Creative Industries, Computer Science and Engineering, you can help your child choose what’s right for them.

students at Pontypridd campus


Your child will most likely need to apply for a visa to study in the UK. This process will incur additional costs, including visa application fees and an Immigration Health Surcharge, which will give your child access to healthcare services in the UK. Detailed information can be found on the government’s website.

To study in the UK, international students need to obtain a student visa.
Here are the general requirements for a UK student visa:

Valid Passport.

A confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).

Proof that your child has enough money to pay for their course and living cost.

Tuberculosis test results - depends on the country your child is applying from.

Proof of English Language proficiency.


Applying for a pathway programme is quick and easy. Simply click on the pathway course title, and submit the application on the course page. Our dedicated admissions team are here to help your child’s application throughout the application process.


If you have any questions about your child’s application to study with us, please contact our dedicated regional team:

Russia and Central Asia –
Middle East and North Africa –
India –
South Asia –

China & East Asia –
America –
South East Asia –
Africa –

How to Apply

Please visit the web page of the programme you wish to apply for and click on ‘’Apply Online’’ to start the online application.

Contact us

Please note, this will overwrite any previous communication preferences you may have already specified to us on our website or websites relating to our University Partners. You can change your communication preferences at any time. QA Higher Education will process your personal data as set out in our privacy notice